We are looking forward to meeting you!

Of course as usual with food, drink and exciting presentations of our latest developments!


Exhibition dates

Techtextil in Frankfurt | April 21 - 24, 2026

ITMA in Hanover | September 16 - 22, 2027


If you would like to be kept up to date about our trade fair appearances and other events, please register [here] for our newsletter.

Past fairs & photo galleries

Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt



ITMA 2023 in Milano

Gallery    pdf download


Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt



Techtextil 2019 in Frankfurt
ITMA 2019 in Barcelona



Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt





ITMA 2015 in Milano
Techtextil 2015 in Frankfurt

Gallery ITMA     Gallery techtex


Techtextil 2013 in Frankfurt



ITMA 2011 in Barcelona



ITMA 2007 in München

Events and company outings

Summer event 2024 at Meindl

Over dinner together at Meindl in Lustenau, we reminisce about the highlights of 2024 so far - Techtextil in Frankfurt! - and look ahead to the rest of the year. As usual, Thomas Bösch and his team provide us with competent and hospitable catering.


Christmas dinner 2023 in Lech

After a small aperitif in Lustenau, we take the bus together to Lech. A sumptuous lunch snack at the Alter Goldener Berg restaurant fortifies us for the trip to the toboggan run, where we put the skills we learnt in 2018 to the test. A great dinner at the Hospiz Alm with a tour of the wine cellar rounds off the day. We collectively sleep through the return journey. Impressions


Christmas dinner 2022 in Lustenau

For the traditional Christmas dinner in 2022, a rich selection of different pizzas from Bella Napoli is served in our office. We say goodbye to Ramona Wehinger, who is expecting a baby, and spend a convivial evening with food and drink.

Summer 2022 in Lech

Our summer outing in 2022 takes us to Lech. Two nights in the special atmosphere of the Hotel Gotthard give us the opportunity for an extended hike in great weather in Lech as well as two excellent dinners in the Krone and the Lecher Stube. Even a short detour for dancing in the K-Club is not to be missed. The hotel bar and the adjacent, marvellous garden are occupied until late at night. A great weekend, despite the subsequent Covid wave in the office! Impressions

Christmas dinner 2021

In 2021, we celebrate Christmas in a cosy atmosphere with pizzas from Pizzeria Bella Napoli in our office. Not only food, but also drinks are enjoyed heartily.


Summer lunch 2021

After the Covid-related cancellations of our traditional get-togethers, we will finally meet again in 2021 at the Freigeist in Lustenau for a summer dinner. We welcome our new employees Klaus, Joshua and Marion together for the first time and enjoy the excellent food prepared by award-winning chef Bernd Moosmann. The evening ends with a drink together at the in-house bar.


30 Jahre Halo - Fahrt nach Meran und Bozen | 2019

Unser Ausflug ins wunderschöne Südtirol anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens von Halo. Neben der Besichtigung eines Weinguts war der Besuch im Ötzi-Musem ebenso ein Highlight wie das hervorragende Hotel und die kulinarischen Genüsse, die uns geboten wurden. Impressionen


Weihnachtsfeier am Arlberg | 2018

Nach einer Fahrt mit der Rüfikopfbahn zur Aussichtsplattform genossen wir ein ausgiebiges Mittagessen mit herrlicher Aussicht auf das winterliche Zürs. Nach dem waghalsigen Rodelabenteuer von Oberlech nach Lech wurde der Ausflug mit einem hervorragenden Abendessen bei Karl-Heinz Zimmermans Alpenblick  in Zug beschlossen. Impressionen


Weihnachtsfeier am Arlberg | 2017

Abenteuerliche Fahrt mit Kettenmontieren in Langen am Arlberg nach Lech mit Rodelfahrt und Wanderung nach Zug mit anschließendem Abendessen. Impressionen


Weihnachtsfeier am Karren und Gasthaus Gut | 2016

Besichtigung des Rolls-Royce-Museum im Gütle, Gondel-Fahrt auf den Karren mit Aperitif und anschließendem Abendessen im Gasthaus-Gut in Lauterach. Impressionen


Weihnachtsfeier am Arlberg | 2015

Fahrt mit der Gondel nach Oberlech mit Mittagessen im Golden Berg. Rodelabenteuer von Oberlech nach Lech. Anschließend Fondue-Abendessen in Zug. Impressionen


25 Jahre Halo - Fahrt nach Alba | 2014

Über Como nach Alba. Am Abend erwartet uns ein 12-gängiges Abendessen in der Trattoria Nelle Vigne mit Trüffel „Uovo in cocotte con tartufo". Stadtbummel und Besichtigung von 2 Weingütern (Azienda Agricola Gomba, Fontanafredda) am Samstag und Abenessen in der legendären Trattoria Universo in Belbo. Am Sonntagabend kommen wir überglücklich, bereichert mit wunderbaren neuen Eindrücken, aber etwas müde in Lustenau an. Impressionen


Request information | Contact

We are looking forward to your inquiry. You can also contact us by phone at  +43 5577 881 18-45.


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Contact | Sales | How to find us | Support

We favour short, direct communication channels. For this reason you can contact the responsible employee at any time.

Dipl.Ing. (FH) Marcus Ott
Tel +43 55 77 881 18-45 | e-mail

Ing. Roland Hassler
Tel +43 55 77 881 18-27 | e-mail

Stefano Sampietro
Via Monte Grona 3 | 22079 Villa Guardia (CO) | Italy
Mobil +39 339 855 6946 | e-mail

Dipl.Ing. (FH) Volker Baggen
Rochusstrasse 44 | 40479 Düsseldorf | Germany
Mobil +49 173 49 94 914 | e-mail


Support | We are happy to help

Please install the TeamViewer and contact us by mail or phone at +43 5577 881 180


Location | How to find us

inteos® is located in the border triangle of Austria, Germany and Switzerland and benefits from the industrial environment and the international atmosphere.


Halo GmbH

Halo GmbH
Augartenstrasse 27 | 6890 Lustenau | Austria
Tel. +43 55 77 881 18-0 | e-mail

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